Examination of University Students’ Level of Satisfaction for Emergence Distance Education
This study aimed to determine faculty of health science students’ level of satisfaction regarding
emergence distance education. The population of the relational screening model study consisted of
1611 students of Ankara University Faculty of Health Sciences in 2023-2024 academic year fall semester.
Total data belonging to 606 students examined within the scope of this research since in this study
intended to reach the entire population. Data collected with “Personal Information Form” and “The
Scale of Satisfaction Regarding the E-Learning Process”. This study revealed that 86.1% of the students
were female, 60.6%’ were between 21 and 23 years of age and 32.3% were enrolled in the second grade.
A total score average of the students’ satisfaction scale for the e-learning process was 93.38. In this
study, the variable such as age, department, class, distance education, special workspace availability,
grade point average and internet connection were found to differ significantly. The research results
shows that the satisfaction levels increase as the time of the students to benefit from distance learning
activities increases. In this context, it can be said that student satisfaction has a key role in the quality
and success of the teaching process in evaluating the emergence distance education practices that take
place in higher education institutions.
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Murat Dalkılıç