Imaging Services Risk Assessment: 5×5 Matrix Method


Radiology units have become some of the riskiest areas for patients, their relatives, and staff, as they have
evolved from spaces where only X-ray machines were used into multi-room facilities housing a variety
of imaging equipment, including magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, interventional
radiology, ultrasonography, and other modalities. This study aims to evaluate the risk analysis of
imaging services in a district state hospital using the 5×5 Matrix method. The study’s universe consists of
a risk assessment team of 15 staff members identified within the scope of the risk assessment processes
for imaging services at a district state hospital in Bursa. In the study, the entire universe was evaluated
without sampling. The “Imaging Services Risk Assessment Processes Data Collection Form” prepared
by the researchers was used as the data collection tool. The data were obtained using procedures,
instructions, workflow diagrams, past incident reports, and expert opinions, and were evaluated using
the 5×5 Matrix method. The data was evaluated using the 5×5 Matrix Method. It was determined that
the items in the high-risk category included psychosocial risks such as anger, stress, fatigue, burnout,
and violence under the scope of psychological hazards, as well as the risk of infectious diseases and
infections, electric shock, fire, injuries due to the lack of magnetic resonance-compatible equipment,
radiation exposure resulting from the absence or damage of personal protective equipment, the risk
of misdiagnosis and mistreatment due to the lack of maintenance and calibration of devices, and the
risk of allergic reactions to contrast agents. The results of the study indicate that there are high-risk
situations in imaging services that require preventive measures for patients, their relatives, and staff.


Ayşe Avcı
Yasemin Aslan


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